Safety of funds

Data protection
We safeguard and encrypt data via same resources that Fortune 500 companies trust their data.
Confidential Information
Using best authentication and access control security techniques.

Regulation standards and procedures
Regulation standards and procedures of the International commission of Financial service (FSA)

Negative balance protection
All clients’ accounts are protected from negative balance.

Quick deposit & withdraw
Instant processing of your request.

0% commission on all deposit
Only professional and regulated payment partners of the industry.
Client fund safety
Real Capital gives extra attention to ensure the safety of all clients’ and investing funds. We guaranty our clients the safety of their funds and timely fulfillment of financial obligations.
Segregation of investment funds
For the security purposes of the investment funds Real Capital keeps all clients’ accounts segregated from the company’s bank accounts, with no conflict of interest.
Safety of financial transactions
Real Capital uses unique security identification methods that identifies the owner of the account with the help of special electronic algorithms, which are chosen during the registration process in the Client Portal. Using one of the most advanced and reliable security identification methods online, we ensure that all financial transactions in the trading account can be carried out solely by its true owner.
Risks control
Real Capital provides clients with advanced trading platforms and additional services that can be used to automate trading activities, in particular, to avoid negative trading account balance. It is a vital step that will ensure the safety of client’s funds and will eliminate any additional financial obligations in case of the negative balance.
Compensation funds
Additional guarantee in the clients’ fund safety is the company’s participation in the Compensation funds, specifically created to ensure security and client rights in cases where broker is not able to meet its financial obligations.
Cooperation with major banks
Real Capital always strives to provide best conditions for protection of client’s funds that is why we choose most reliable banks in the world. Currently, the number of banks providing services to Real Capital  includes: The World Bank, National Bank of Canada, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Increase your knowledge and your financial situation with Real Capital